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【技术分享】借助DefCon Quals 2021的mooosl学习musl mallocng(源码审计篇)

freebuffreebuf 2022-03-17 399 0


关于musl libc的资料比赛期间找到过一篇从一次 CTF 出题谈 musl libc 堆漏洞利用,碍于musl libc在1.2.x之后的堆管理机制有较大的改版,因而有了该文章。本次文章分上下两篇,从musl libc 1.2.2的源码审计、调试,以及其中的利用机会,再到mooosl这道题的解题过程做一个分析。

musl libc 1.2.2的源码可以从[此处],(https://musl.libc.org/releases/musl-1.2.2.tar.gz)下载获得。1.2.x采用src/malloc/mallocng内的代码,其堆管理结构与早期版本几乎完全不同,而早期的堆管理器则放入了src/malloc/oldmalloc中。

调试带符号的musl libc



tar -xzvf ./musl-1.2.2.tar.gz cd musl-1.2.2 mkdir build x64 cd build CC="gcc" CXX="g++" \                  CFLAGS="-g -g3 -ggdb -gdwarf-4 -Og -Wno-error -fno-stack-protector" \     CXXFLAGS="-g -g3 -ggdb -gdwarf-4 -Og -Wno-error -fno-stack-protector" \     ../configure --prefix=/home/sung3r/workspace/sharefd/glibc/glibc-2.32/x64 --disable-werror make make install 


通过patchelf将ld.so改成libc.so即可,gdb调试时加上dir /path/to/musl-1.2.2/src/malloc/dir /path/to/musl-1.2.2/src/malloc/mallocng便可源码调试。


此方法要在ubuntu 20.04下才能成功



sudo dpkg -i musl_1.2.2-1_amd64.deb sudo dpkg -i musl-dbgsym_1.2.2-1_amd64.ddeb 

gdb调试时通过dir加载源码即可。推荐此方法,比较简单,而且该deb里的libc.so与题目提供的libc.so md5一致。



//line:124~127 static inline int get_slot_index(const unsigned char *p) {     //chunk地址往前的第3个byte就是该chunk的下标     return p[-3] & 31; } //line:129~157 static inline struct meta *get_meta(const unsigned char *p) {     assert(!((uintptr_t)p & 15));//16字节对齐     //获取slot的偏移offset,offset*0x10才是真实偏移     int offset = *(const uint16_t *)(p - 2);     //获取slot的下标,这里的slot就是我们习惯中理解的chunk     int index = get_slot_index(p);     if (p[-4]) {         //如果offset不为0,表示不是group里的首个chunk,抛出异常         assert(!offset);         offset = *(uint32_t *)(p - 8);         assert(offset > 0xffff);     }     //获取group首地址,也即`meta->mem`这个地址     const struct group *base = (const void *)(p - UNIT*offset - UNIT);     //获取meta地址,group首地址指向meta结构的地址     const struct meta *meta = base->meta;     assert(meta->mem == base);     assert(index <= meta->last_idx);     assert(!(meta->avail_mask & (1u<    assert(!(meta->freed_mask & (1u<    const struct meta_area *area = (void *)((uintptr_t)meta & -4096);     //校验Page的secret是否正确,防止伪造Page     assert(area->check == ctx.secret);     if (meta->sizeclass < 48) {//一般都为48个sizeclass         assert(offset >= size_classes[meta->sizeclass]*index);         assert(offset < size_classes[meta->sizeclass]*(index+1));     } else {         assert(meta->sizeclass == 63);     }     if (meta->maplen) {         assert(offset <= meta->maplen*4096UL/UNIT - 1);     }     return (struct meta *)meta; } //line:229~238 //16字节对齐向上取整,最后换算成size_classes的下标,对group进行分类 static inline int size_to_class(size_t n) {     n = (n+IB-1)>>4;     if (n<10) return n;     n++;     int i = (28-a_clz_32(n))*4 + 8;     if (n>size_classes[i+1]) i+=2;     if (n>size_classes[i]) i++;     return i; } 


//line:174~284 static struct meta *alloc_group(int sc, size_t req) { ...     } else {///通过brk分配         int j = size_to_class(UNIT+cnt*size-IB);         int idx = alloc_slot(j, UNIT+cnt*size-IB);         if (idx < 0) {             free_meta(m);             return 0;         }         struct meta *g = ctx.active[j];         p = enframe(g, idx, UNIT*size_classes[j]-IB, ctx.mmap_counter);         m->maplen = 0;         p[-3] = (p[-3]&31) | (6<<5);         for (int i=0; i<=cnt; i++)             p[UNIT+i*size-4] = 0;///根据size清零mem         active_idx = cnt-1;     } ... } //line:300~381 //malloc的实现,lite_malloc调这里 void *malloc(size_t n) {     if (size_overflows(n)) return 0;     struct meta *g;     uint32_t mask, first;     int sc;     int idx;     int ctr;     //大于某一个阈值,通过mmap分配     if (n >= MMAP_THRESHOLD) {///p MMAP_THRESHOLD; $10 = 0x1ffec         size_t needed = n + IB + UNIT;         void *p = mmap(0, needed, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,             MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANON, -1, 0);         if (p==MAP_FAILED) return 0;         wrlock();         step_seq();         g = alloc_meta();         if (!g) {             unlock();             munmap(p, needed);             return 0;         }         g->mem = p;         g->mem->meta = g;         g->last_idx = 0;         g->freeable = 1;         g->sizeclass = 63;         g->maplen = (needed+4095)/4096;         g->avail_mask = g->freed_mask = 0;         // use a global counter to cycle offset in         // individually-mmapped allocations.         ctx.mmap_counter++;         idx = 0;         goto success;     }     //否则通过brk分配     //根据传入size,转换成size_classes的下标,根据sc申请相对应group的chunk     sc = size_to_class(n);     rdlock();     //根据sc,获取存放着对应size group的meta,如果还没申请过这类group,对应ctx.active[sc]为0     g = ctx.active[sc];     // use coarse size classes initially when there are not yet     // any groups of desired size. this allows counts of 2 or 3     // to be allocated at first rather than having to start with     // 7 or 5, the min counts for even size classes.     if (!g && sc>=4 && sc<32 && sc!=6 && !(sc&1) && !ctx.usage_by_class[sc]) {         size_t usage = ctx.usage_by_class[sc|1];         // if a new group may be allocated, count it toward         // usage in deciding if we can use coarse class.         if (!ctx.active[sc|1] || (!ctx.active[sc|1]->avail_mask             && !ctx.active[sc|1]->freed_mask))             usage += 3;         if (usage <= 12)             sc |= 1;         g = ctx.active[sc];     }     for (;;) {         mask = g ? g->avail_mask : 0;         first = mask&-mask;         if (!first) break;         if (RDLOCK_IS_EXCLUSIVE || !MT)             g->avail_mask = mask-first;         else if (a_cas(&g->avail_mask, mask, mask-first)!=mask)             continue;         idx = a_ctz_32(first);         goto success;     }     upgradelock();     //申请分配sc类别的chunk,size为n     idx = alloc_slot(sc, n);     if (idx < 0) {         unlock();         return 0;     }     g = ctx.active[sc]; success:     ctr = ctx.mmap_counter;     unlock();     return enframe(g, idx, n, ctr); } //line:286~298 //申请chunk static int alloc_slot(int sc, size_t req) {     uint32_t first = try_avail(&ctx.active[sc]);     if (first) return a_ctz_32(first);     //申请group,group信息存放于meta结构     struct meta *g = alloc_group(sc, req);     if (!g) return -1;     g->avail_mask--;     queue(&ctx.acti     ve[sc], g);     return 0; } 


//line:101~143 void free(void *p) {     if (!p) return;//地址为0,直接返回     //获取meta结构,以及做一些检查     struct meta *g = get_meta(p);     //获取chunk的下标     int idx = get_slot_index(p);     size_t stride = get_stride(g);     unsigned char *start = g->mem->storage + stride*idx;     unsigned char *end = start + stride - IB;     get_nominal_size(p, end);     uint32_t self = 1u<2u<last_idx)-1;     //将对应chunk的下标置0xff     ((unsigned char *)p)[-3] = 255;     // invalidate offset to group header, and cycle offset of     // used region within slot if current offset is zero.     //将chunk的offset清0     *(uint16_t *)((char *)p-2) = 0;     // release any whole pages contained in the slot to be freed     // unless it's a single-slot group that will be unmapped.     if (((uintptr_t)(start-1) ^ (uintptr_t)end) >= 2*PGSZ && g->last_idx) {         unsigned char *base = start + (-(uintptr_t)start & (PGSZ-1));         size_t len = (end-base) & -PGSZ;         if (len) madvise(base, len, MADV_FREE);     }     // atomic free without locking if this is neither first or last slot     //设置meta的avail_mask`freed_mask     for (;;) {         uint32_t freed = g->freed_mask;         uint32_t avail = g->avail_mask;         uint32_t mask = freed | avail;         assert(!(mask&self));         if (!freed || mask+self==all) break;         if (!MT)             g->freed_mask = freed+self;         else if (a_cas(&g->freed_mask, freed, freed+self)!=freed)             continue;         return;     }     wrlock();     struct mapinfo mi = nontrivial_free(g, idx);     unlock();     if (mi.len) munmap(mi.base, mi.len); } 



store('a0a0', 'b0b0') store('a1a11', 'b1b1111') delete('a0a0') 

__malloc_context是musl libc的全局管理结构指针,存放在libc.so的bss段

gef➤  p __malloc_context $1 = {   secret = 0x69448097523526a7,   init_done = 0x1,   mmap_counter = 0x0,   free_meta_head = 0x0,   avail_meta = 0x56042ee901f8,   avail_meta_count = 0x59,   avail_meta_area_count = 0x0,   meta_alloc_shift = 0x0,   meta_area_head = 0x56042ee90000,   meta_area_tail = 0x56042ee90000,   avail_meta_areas = 0x56042ee91000 ,   active = {0x56042ee901d0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x56042ee901a8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x56042ee900b8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x56042ee90090, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x56042ee90068, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x56042ee90040, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x56042ee90018, 0x0 times>},   usage_by_class = {0x1e, 0x0, 0x0, 0x7, 0x0 times>},   unmap_seq = '\000' times>,   bounces = '\000' times>,   seq = 0x0,   brk = 0x56042ee91000 } 

active = {0x56042ee901d0,0,0...:堆管理器依据申请的size,将chunk分成48类chunk,由sizeclass指定。每类chunk由一个meta结构管理,meta管理的chunk个数有限,由small_cnt_tab指定。当申请个数超出一个meta所能管理的最大数量,堆管理器会再申请同类型meta管理更多的chunk,并且以双向链表结构管理这些相同类型的meta。

usage_by_class = {0x1e, 0x0, 0x0, 0x7,...:表示当前各meta管理着的chunk个数。

secret = 0x69448097523526a7:在meta域每个page大小的首8个byte,都会存在一个校验key。

musl libc用以下的结构管理着meta、group以及chunk


gef➤  p *(struct meta*)0x56042ee901a8 $2 = {   prev = 0x56042ee901a8,   next = 0x56042ee901a8,   mem = 0x7f79e1df5c50,   avail_mask = 0x7c,   freed_mask = 0x0,   last_idx = 0x6,   freeable = 0x1,   sizeclass = 0x3,   maplen = 0x0 } 


0x7f79e1df5c50user data域;

avail_mask = 0x7c = 0b1111100表示第0、1个chunk不可用(已经被使用);

freed_mask = 0x0表示没有chunk被释放;

last_idx = 0x6表示最后一个chunk的下标是0x6,总数是0x7个

sizeclass = 0x3表示由0x3这个group进行管理。





再往后0x28个byte就是user data域,最多接收输入0x28+4个byte,占用下一个chunk的前4个byte。


gef➤  p *(struct meta*)0x56042ee901d0 $3 = {   prev = 0x56042ee901d0,   next = 0x56042ee901d0,   mem = 0x56042db99c50,   avail_mask = 0x3ffffff0,   freed_mask = 0x0,   last_idx = 0x1d,   freeable = 0x1,   sizeclass = 0x0,   maplen = 0x0 } 


0x56042db99c50user data域;

avail_mask = 0x3ffffff0 = 0b111111111111111111111111110000表示第0、1、2、3个chunk不可用(已经被使用);

freed_mask = 0x0表示没有chunk被释放;

last_idx = 0x1d表示最后一个chunk的下标是0x1d,总数是0x1e个

sizeclass = 0x3表示由0x3这个group进行管理。



往后8byte是user data,user data最多接收输入8+4个byte,占用下一个chunk header的前4个byte(与x86的glibc类似)


gef➤  p *(struct meta*)0x56042ee901d0 $9 = {   prev = 0x56042ee901d0,   next = 0x56042ee901d0,   mem = 0x56042db99c50,   avail_mask = 0x3fffffe0,   freed_mask = 0x3,   last_idx = 0x1d,   freeable = 0x1,   sizeclass = 0x0,   maplen = 0x0 } 

freed_mask = 0x3 = 0b11表示前两个chunk被释放;

avail_mask = 0x3fffffe0 = 0b111111111111111111111111100000可以发现,此时前两个chunk仍然为不可分配的状态;

已释放的chunk会将chunk header的offset清零,并且将chunk下标置成0xff,不清空user data域。


gef➤  p *(struct meta*)0x56042ee901a8 $13 = {   prev = 0x56042ee901a8,   next = 0x56042ee901a8,   mem = 0x7f79e1df5c50,   avail_mask = 0x7c,   freed_mask = 0x1,   last_idx = 0x6,   freeable = 0x1,   sizeclass = 0x3,   maplen = 0x0 } 

freed_mask = 0x1表示有1个已被释放的chunk。

同样,chunk header的offset清零,且chunk下标置0xff

const uint16_t size_classes[] = {     1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,     9, 10, 12, 15,     18, 20, 25, 31,     36, 42, 50, 63,     72, 84, 102, 127,     146, 170, 204, 255,     292, 340, 409, 511,     584, 682, 818, 1023,     1169, 1364, 1637, 2047,     2340, 2730, 3276, 4095,     4680, 5460, 6552, 8191, }; static const uint8_t small_cnt_tab[][3] = {     { 30, 30, 30 },     { 31, 15, 15 },     { 20, 10, 10 },     { 31, 15, 7 },     { 25, 12, 6 },     { 21, 10, 5 },     { 18, 8, 4 },     { 31, 15, 7 },     { 28, 14, 6 }, }; static struct meta *alloc_group(int sc, size_t req) {     size_t size = UNIT*size_classes[sc];     int i = 0, cnt;     unsigned char *p;     struct meta *m = alloc_meta();///分配内存,用于建立一个group     if (!m) return 0;     size_t usage = ctx.usage_by_class[sc];     size_t pagesize = PGSZ;     int active_idx;     if (sc < 9) {         while (i<2 && 4*small_cnt_tab[sc][i] > usage)             i++;         cnt = small_cnt_tab[sc][i];     } else { ...     ctx.usage_by_class[sc] += cnt; ... 


group分类表,由sc指定由哪个group管理:usage_by_class = {0,0,0,…}

要申请的chunk大小,由这个大小计算出sc:req = 0x30 -> sc = 0x3

malloc的chunk大小:UNITsize_classes = 0x10 0x3 = 0x30

设定该group最多有多少个chunk:ctx.usage_by_class[sc] = 30 = 0x1e

漏洞点(Info Leak)

0x30 chunk, malloc 6次,free 5次

store('A', 'A') for _ in range(5):     query('A' * 0x30) 

avail_mask = 0x40 = 0b1000000除了最后一个chunk,其余chunk不可分配;

freed_mask = 0x3e = 0b111110除第一个以及最后一个chunk,其余chunk已被释放

gef➤  p *(struct meta*)0x55b9b0b551a8 $2 = {   prev = 0x55b9b0b551a8,   next = 0x55b9b0b551a8,   mem = 0x7fccf5fdcc50,   avail_mask = 0x40,   freed_mask = 0x3e,   last_idx = 0x6,   freeable = 0x1,   sizeclass = 0x3,   maplen = 0x0 } 


chunk在被free后不会清空user data域

增加到malloc 8次,free 7次

store('A', 'A') for _ in range(5):     query('A' * 0x30) query('A' * 0x30) query('B' * 0x30) 

avail_mask = 0x7c = 0b1111100被释放的chunk重新分配,也就是当耗尽该group的7个chunk时,堆管理器才会检查是否有已被free掉的chunk,将这些chunk的avail_mask置1,再重新分配。

gef➤  p *(struct meta*)0x5575a83401a8 $2 = {   prev = 0x5575a83401a8,   next = 0x5575a83401a8,   mem = 0x7f54fbdeec50,   avail_mask = 0x7c,   freed_mask = 0x2,   last_idx = 0x6,   freeable = 0x1,   sizeclass = 0x3,   maplen = 0x0 } 




//line:90~100 static inline void dequeue(struct meta **phead, struct meta *m) {     if (m->next != m) {         m->prev->next = m->next;         m->next->prev = m->prev;         if (*phead == m) *phead = m->next;     } else {         *phead = 0;     }     m->prev = m->next = 0; } 


通过伪造fake meta,在删除该meta时,便会产生一次任意写,那么就有了劫持的机会。关于mooosl这道题的完整利用过程会在下篇文章中分析。

转载请注明来自网盾网络安全培训,本文标题:《【技术分享】借助DefCon Quals 2021的mooosl学习musl mallocng(源码审计篇)》





